Monday, January 18, 2010

Two more mouths to feed

Well, it's official -- we've lost it. We've adopted two baby cottontail rabbits that need to be bottle fed. Donald came into the garage on Friday holding two little baby rabbits by their ears. They were squirming around and looked a bit like little gophers. Jordan ran out screaming. Donald had been working in the grove and noticed the dogs were extremely interested in this one area. Next thing you know - one of the dogs ran off with a full sized rabbit in her mouth (the mom, we're assuming). A bit later, the dog came back and was digging around some more and pops out with a baby and dashes off. Donald walked over to see what was going on and just then, two little bunnies hopped out of the den. He grabbed them and the rest is history. The Internet is truly amazing though - I called a friend who raises chinchillas and asked if I could bring them over. By the time I got their, she has researched what they needed (kitten meal replacement mixed with heavy cream) and we dashed to Petco. They are now eagerly eating the formula that we mix up every couple of hours and feed to them with an eye dropper (from our home school science kit). I guess this is truly a home school science project now! The picture of the two together in Jordan's hands was just minutes after catching them. The other picture is me trying to feed them. They are actually getting a lot better at taking the formula - in the beginning, they were wearing more than they were eating.

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