Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yeeee Hawwww!

We went out to Brawley this past weekend to camp, hunt and go to the rodeo. Our friends invited us to join them on this annual event. It was really fun. I wasn't sure what to think about attending a rodeo and it was great. I especially liked the Mutton Bustin' event. Kids 10 and under strap on helmets, jump on the back of a lamb or sheep or mutton, or whatever, try to grab and handful of wool and hang on! It was so cute. (just to clarify - I thought mutton was the meat of a sheep, but what do I know?) I assure you, these guys were alive! I guess Lamb Bustin' just doesn't sound as good.
The dove hunting was great (I heard). We also attended the Brawley Parade and had a yummy BBQ lunch provided by the Elk's club. The kids had a chance to explore the farm, climb hay bales, shoot the pellet gun, swing on the rope swing and just hang out. It was a great weekend and quite an experience. For sure worth the trip to Brawley. Forgot my camera - so no pictures. Bummer.

1 comment:

  1. No Mutton Bustin' pictures??? Bummer. I saw that mutton bustin' event on t.v. awhile back-cracked me up. As dangerous as football for sure.
